Tag Archives: elderly lady

Mattress finance or why you should not deal with banks or Wall Street

I sleep better with my money close by . . .

Don’t trust banks or Wall Street . . . A friend’s mother has it right re it makes more sense to stow your cash in your mattress than to invest in Wall Street or place your money in the banks . . .

He recently took in a paper bag full of $20 bills that she had saved from her old age security. Turns out when he opened the bag at the bank to ask for $100s because the $20s were taking up too much space at her home she had amassed $40,000.

What’s interesting is that when the bank discovered how much was in the bag they called the police who then took the friend downtown for questioning. The mother showed up at the police station and told them to let her son go as it was her money to do with as she pleased and that no one was going to tell her she had to put it in the bank.

She then went to the bank and got her $100s.

When she was leaving she told them to expect another bag of $20s and did not expect to encounter a problem.

So let me get this straight, Morgan Stanley and Facebook rip off the public for billions, but no police in sight.

An elderly lady saves her money and her son is accosted when he tries to convert it to more manageable bills.

Hmmmm . . . what’s wrong with this picture?